🔥 主题:


💸 薪水:面议
🏢 地点:乔治亚境内 乔治亚, GA
🍻 分类:助理文员
🕕 时间:04/03/23
💬 联系:7656371696


1. 高中及以上学历,合法报税身份,中文流利,英文会听说读写

2. 有同岗位或类似岗位工作经验1年或以上(最好)

3. 熟悉电脑操作,学习能力好

4. 责任心强,认真仔细,服从性好,有良好团队协作能力


1. 协助HR主管招聘、筛选和面试候选人;

2. 协助HR主管进行有能力的员工培训和发展计划的制定和实施;

3. 负责员工档案的管理和维护;

4. 协助HR主管解决员工关系问题;

5. 参与集团员工活动的策划和组织。

Job Requirements:

1. High school diploma or above, with a legal tax-paying status, fluent in Chinese and proficient in English listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

2. 1 year or more of work experience in the same or similar position (preferred).

3. Proficient in computer operation, good learning ability.

4. Strong sense of responsibility, meticulous and careful, good obedience, and excellent teamwork skills.

Job Responsibilities:

1. Assist HR supervisor in recruiting, screening, and interviewing candidates.

2. Assist HR supervisor in developing and implementing employee training and development plans.

3. Responsible for the management and maintenance of employee records.

4. Assist HR supervisor in resolving employee relationship issues.

5. Participate in planning and organizing company employee activities.

您可以电话或短信到7656371696,或邮件到[email protected]
