🔥 主题:

Walnut 诚征办公室助理/文员 Office Assistant (国粤语熟练者优先)无经验亦可

💸 薪水:面议
🏢 地点:核桃市 大洛杉矶县
🍻 分类:助理文员
🕕 时间:04/03/23
💬 联系:[email protected]

核桃市报关行诚征全职办公室助理/文员,国粤语熟练者优先,需合法身份,熟悉电脑,基本英文,无经验亦可培训,但需工作认真、态度端正;报酬优福利好,含健康保险带薪休假年终奖金等等;公司提供良好安全工作环境,重视防疫;工作稳定,晋升空间大,能力优者有机会提升为团队主管。工作内容包括收发邮件,准备文件,核对资料,电脑录入,追踪跟进等。有意者请发简历至[email protected]感谢!期待您的加入!

No experience is required but willingness to learn and willingness to work hard is a must;
Chinese bilingual is preferred in order to better communicate with oversea clients;
Efficient time management skills, prioritization skills, ability to troubleshoot and timely follow-up on problems;
Other job responsibilities include but not limited to document preparation, data entry, follow-ups, and problem solving.
Please send resume to [email protected]
Thank you. We look forward to working with you!
