🔥 主题:


💸 薪水:面议
🏢 地点:加州境内 加州, CA
🍻 分类:仓库物流
🕕 时间:07/12/23
💬 联系:909-468-0009

我公司现招人全职操作一名。操作主要负责进口货物到港后的清关,卡车运送及后续追踪服务。需流利中丶英文,工作认真负责,能够细心高效处理各种文件,适应紧凑的工作节奏。要求有合法工作身份,有货代及物流类似的工作经验者优先,无经验可培训。我公司工资优厚,同时提供医疗(含牙科)保险,带薪休假, 401K等福利。有意者请发邮件至[email protected]

Freight Forwarder/NVOCC seeking a full time operator. International freight forwarder knowledge and experience is plus. Self motivated and good typing skills. Strong written and verbal communication skills in Chinese and English. At least 1-year related working experience. Legal working status is required. We offer competitive salary, health/dental insurance,vacation days and 401K. Please Email Resume to: [email protected]
