🔥 主题:


💸 薪水:面议
🏢 地点:加州境内 加州, CA
🍻 分类:仓库物流
🕕 时间:08/19/24
💬 联系:6265818998

Operations Manager Job description
We are looking for a warehouse operations manager,Location: Taylor Michigan.要求如下, 如果您感兴趣, 请发您的简历到: [email protected]
• 中英文流利
• 人品好,逻辑统筹能力好
• 2 years of operations management experience preferred
• Set up/Improve/monitor warehouse/facility procedures
• Overall manage the facility operations,including shipping&receiving,returns, product inspection, quality assurance, facility common area maintenance monitoring/audit, employees hiring/training/firing with the warehouse manager, warehouse sublease if needed
• 管理仓库员工,处理相关文件工作
• 有使用库存管理/订单管理/打单系统/物流系统软件经验优先
• 跟国内同事交流,包括客服,软件,供应链,物流,会计等相关,有时候会需要晚上办公
• 协助国内的相关工作if needed,比如视频拍摄,市场渠道开发等
