🔥 主题:

现招 Community Health Worker / 社工 - 安吉日间保健中心

💸 薪水:面议
🏢 地点:San Gabriel 大洛杉矶县
🍻 分类:其他
🕕 时间:12/30/24
💬 联系:626-669-6777

急需 Community Health Worker / 社工
住在 Rowland Heights, Walnut, San Gabriel, Pasadena 及周边城市

Responsibilities 工作职责:
1) Conduct outreach.
2) Engage eligible ECM Members.
3) Accompany ECM member to office visits, as needed, and in the most easily accessible setting, within MCP guidelines.
4) Health promotion and self-management training.
5) Arrange transportation.
6) Assist with linkage to social supports.
7) Distribute health promotion materials.
8) Call member to facilitate visit with car coordinator.
9) Connect ECM member to other social services and supports the member may need.
10) Advocate on behalf of Members with health care professionals.
11) Use motivation interviewing trauma-informed care, and harm-reduction approaches.
12) Monitor treatment adherence (including medication).

全职工作,Full Time
周一到周五,Monday - Friday
工作时间:8:30am - 5:00pm
工资:起薪 $20 / hour

Qualifications 工作要求:
1. 掌握基本英文,可以用英文沟通交流;
2. 有良好的沟通能力,对老年人细心、有耐心、有爱心;
3. 拥有团队协作精神;
4. 持有加州驾照,会开车。
5. 愿意出外勤。
6. 有合法报税身份。

*联络人:周先生 Bryan
