🔥 主题:


💸 薪水:面议
🏢 地点:加州境内 加州, CA
🍻 分类:仓库物流
🕕 时间:04/22/24
💬 联系:6265380074


仓库主管 $22-28 /hr
标题:7万尺仓库 中大件一件代发仓库现招仓库主管一名 (whittier)
1. 制定仓储管理规范及流程,监督执行落地情况,包含:拆柜,卸货、拣货、发货、打单、交运等日常管理,确保货物的“收、发、存”无差异;
2. 负责入库与出库现场管理,优化流程,提高作业效率与作业标准,降低错误率;
3. 制定与监督仓库安全作业标准;
4. 负责库内操作团队管理,协调外部合作伙伴;
5. 对接中国运营团队需求及客户需求;
6. 优化WMS系统流程(易仓WMS);
7. 制定人才管理制度,KPI考核制度与相应激励方案;
1. 三年以上海外仓或电商库房相关经验,两年以上仓库主管经验;
2. 5万尺以上仓库管理经验,熟悉仓储业务流程,有仓储质量管理体系及SOP建设经验;
3. 双语流利;
4. 在美国生活五年以上,有合法工作许可;
5. 本科以上学历,物流,仓储管理专业优先;
6. 熟练操作电脑,OFFICE软件,仓库PDA,WMS软件;
7. 熟悉仓储业务流程,熟悉相关仓储质量管理体系,人才KPI定制,SOP输出等;
8. 责任心强,良好的抗压能力;


Warehouse manager/supervisor

Job details:
* Establish and implement warehouse management standards and processes;supervise their execution on the ground, including daily management activities such as container unloading, cargo handling, picking, shipping, order processing, and transportation, ensuring no discrepancies in the "receipt, dispatch, and storage" of goods.
* Manage on-site operations for inbound and outbound processes, optimize workflows, improve operational efficiency, and reduce error rates.
* Develop and oversee safety operating standards for the warehouse.
* Manage the operational team within the warehouse and coordinate with external partners.
* Liaise with the operational team in China and address customer requirements.
* Optimize WMS system processes (Warehouse system WMS).
* Develop employee management policies, KPI assessment systems, and corresponding incentive programs.

Job Requirements:
* Over three years of experience in overseas warehouses or e-commerce storage, with at least two years of warehouse supervisory experience.
* Experience managing warehouses of over 50,000 square feet, familiarity with warehouse business processes, and experience in warehouse quality management systems and SOP development.
* Fluent in both Mandarin and English.
* Resided in the United States for over five years with a valid work permit.
* Bachelor's degree or higher, with a preference for logistics or warehouse management majors.
* Proficient in computer operations, OFFICE software, warehouse PDA, and WMS software.
* Familiar with warehouse business processes, relevant quality management systems, employee KPI customization, SOP development, etc.
* Strong sense of responsibility and good ability to handle pressure.

If you have interest for this job position, feel free to contact us!
