🔥 主题:

招聘财务助理岗位-会计/出纳一名 - whittier $20-24/hr-海外仓公司

💸 薪水:面议
🏢 地点:加州境内 加州, CA
🍻 分类:助理文员
🕕 时间:05/21/24
💬 联系:3473455471

财务助理与出纳 $20-24/hr
1. 财务管理和数据支持
- 及时准确地准备财务记录和月度、季度和年度财务报告,包括税务文件和申报。确保公司的财务信息准确无误,并符合相关法规要求。
- 及时准确地登记财务、业务相关的日记账及相关报表,以提供清晰的财务记录和跟踪。
- 核算并监督业务部门发生的成本、费用的真实性、合理性、合规性,确保库房的成本控制和费用管理得到有效执行。
- 对于供应商的价格体系进行维护、监管,并定时进行更新,有助于控制成本和确保采购价格的合理性。
- 管理应收账款和应付账款,确保公司的资金流动健康,并及时跟进逾期款项。
- 对财务数据进行测算及分析并起到预警作用,及时发现潜在的问题和风险,并可以提前采取相应的措施。
- 深度了解仓库ERP系统,了解仓库数据的流转模式,并建立库房库存盘点机制,定期对库房货品进行抽查盘点,确保库存管理的准确性和透明度。

2. 资金管理
- 处理日常资金的收支工作,确保资金的准确记录和管理。
- 管理薪资、发票、支票、及各类资金账户,确保薪资支付准确无误,发票和支票管理得当,以及资金账户的安全和有效运作。
- 及时准确登记资金日记账,并配合中国财务进行资金盘点工作,以确保资金的准确性和完整性。

3. 其他工作要求
- 配合中国财务员工的要求,做好财务数据维护工作,确保数据的准确性和一致性,与中国财务人员建立高效的沟通机制。
- 协助仓库完成的其他文职工作。
- 有责任心,有自主驱动力,可以主动发现问题,提出合理化建议,降低运营成本,提高经济效益。

- 会计、金融或相关专业学士学位。
- 两年以上金融或相关领域工作经验。
- 熟悉QuickBooks Online以及Microsoft Word和Excel。
- 基本的会计和记账技能。
- 英语和汉语流利
- 优秀的书面、口头和人际沟通能力。
- 注重细节、精准、有组织、积极主动、负责任
- 了解与会计和财务报告相关的适用法律法规。
电子邮件:[email protected]
工作地点:whittier CA

Financial Management and Cashier $20-24/hr
Job details:
1. Financial management and data support
- Timely and accurately prepare financial records and monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reports, provide tax documents and declarations.
- Timely and accurate registration of financial and business journals and statements.
- Accounting and supervising the authenticity, rationality and compliance of costs and expenses incurred by business departments.
- Maintain and supervise the supplier's price system and update it regularly.
- Management of accounts receivable and accounts payable.
- Calculate and analyze financial data to achieve early warning function.
- Deeply understand the warehouse ERP system and the operation mode of warehouse data, establish the warehouse inventory mechanism, and regularly check the warehouse goods.

2. Money management
- Handle the daily payment of money.
- Manage payroll, invoices, checks, and various capital accounts.
- Timely and accurately register the fund journal, and cooperate with the Chinese finance to carry out the money inventory.

3. Other job requirements
- Cooperate with the requirements of Chinese financial personnel, do a good job in the maintenance of financial data, ensure the accuracy and consistency of data, and establish an efficient communication mechanism with Chinese financial personnel.
- Assist other work in warehouse.
- Have a sense of responsibility, have an independent driving force, can take the initiative to find problems, put forward reasonable suggestions, reduce operating costs, improve economic benefits.

Job Requirements:
- A Bachelor's degree in Accounting, Finance or related field.
- 2+ years of experience in finance or related fields.
- Familiarity with QuickBooks Online and Microsoft Word and Excel.
- Basic accounting and bookkeeping skills.
- Fluent in English and Chinese.
- Excellent written, oral, and interpersonal communication.
- Detail-oriented, precise, organized , proactive and responsible.
- Knowledge of applicable laws and regulations related to accounting and financial reporting.

Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
If you have interest for this job position, feel free email resume us !
Job Type: Full-time
Work Location: In person
