🔥 主题:


💸 薪水:面议
🏢 地点:Hayward 旧金山湾区
🍻 分类:市场销售
🕕 时间:06/27/24
💬 联系:5102847972

我们是位于Hayward 食品供货商,正在寻找对食品业有兴趣或经验丰富的双语销售业务。

* 超给力的沟通用英文和中文双语
* 至少2年的外部企业对企业销售

* 工作内容

We are a food distribution warehouse located in Hayward, we are looking candiates who have interest to work in food & beverage industry or had previous work experience in food & beverage business previously

* Bilingual in Chinese and English
* Excellent verbal and written communication skills
* Minimum 2 years in outside business-to-business sales

* daily resposnsiblities

-Greeting customers and offering assistance
-Recommending products or merchandise to help customers
-Answering questions and addressing concerns
-Informing customers about sales, promotions and policies
-Demonstrating how products work
-Taking payments for purchases and packaging purchases
-Stocking merchandise and creating displays
